Parent Ads - 9 to 5
If you would like to place an ad for your student in the Spring Musical program, please make your payment through myschoolbucks and submit your completed ad via Canva to [email protected]
The spring Musical Ad Sizes are:
Quarter page: 2.5"w. x 4"h.
Half page: 5"w. x 4"h.
Full page: 5"h. x 8"h.
Quarter page: 2.5"w. x 4"h.
Half page: 5"w. x 4"h.
Full page: 5"h. x 8"h.
Deadline for submission is May 6th
Ad Submission Instructions:
Please submit your completed ad to us by May 6th:
Making your own ad is easy and fun. If you are new to Canva, you can set up a free account to create your ads.
We offer video tutorials for creating your own parent ads. Click here → Parent Ad Tutorial
- Please share your completed ad via Canva with Allison Zincenko at [email protected] This will allow her to resize your ad, or correct anything if necessary.
- Also please download and save your ad
Making your own ad is easy and fun. If you are new to Canva, you can set up a free account to create your ads.
We offer video tutorials for creating your own parent ads. Click here → Parent Ad Tutorial
Payments for the Spring Musical:
- To make your ad payment click here → MySchoolBucks
- Sign in to your account
- Look for the listing titled 9 to 5 Parent Ads
- Choose your ad size: Ad Size: 1/4 page: 2.5"w. x 4"h. - $75, 1/2 page: 5"w. x 4"h - $100, Full page: 5"h. x 8"h. $125
- Input the number 1 for Quantity. If you are purchasing multiple ads, please pay for them separately
- Input the student's name for Who are you purchasing this for? and uncheck the Myself box
- Click the Ad to Cart button and continue with the payment process